Heartless man stomps on pregnant wife's stomach to abort baby

08:50 Unknown 0 Comments

An heartless man from Melbourne, Australia, has been arrested and taken to court on charges of assault, battery and attempted murder after he allegedly stumped on his pregnant wife's stomach in an attempt to abort the baby she is carrying, claiming he has the right to abort the baby.
An heartless man who tried to stump his baby out of his wife's womb has been arrested.The 40-year-old man whose name is being protected because of the unborn baby, prosecutors say, also forced the wife to have sex with him, all in a bid to terminate her pregnancy.
When he appeared in court for the first time, he was denied bail when a judge heard that the police had serious concerns about the safety of the woman, who was so afraid of her husband that she refused to enter the courtroom when his case was called.
The Melbourne Magistrate’s Court heard that the man told his wife 'to get used to it' when she told him that she did not want to have sex with him. The defendant, however, told investigators that he wanted to have sex with his wife in order to abort the baby and also trampled on her stomach.
His argument was that as the father, he had the right to abort the baby as he could not afford to have more children. The court also heard that he had forced the woman to have abortions twice in the past but this time, the woman refused to accede to his request, forcing him to take the extreme measures.
He was charged with a two count charge of assault and another two counts of making threats after police told the court that he had threatened to kill his wife and teenage son unless she agreed to have an abortion.
Source:Isaac Dachen: pulse.ng, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (www.econsforumnews.blogspot.com)