5 ways to tell if a girl likes you
If you don't have your eyes wide open for these signals you may wind up
in a dead end conversation with a girl who has no interest in you past
the free drinks you've been feeding her…
Source: Oke Efagene: pulse.ng, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (www.econsforumnews.blogspot.com)

How many times have you been twenty minutes into a
conversation with a woman... and asking yourself 'Does she like me or
is she just being polite?'
It would be so much easier if they just came right out and said it, wouldn't it?
But they won't.

So it's up to you, as a man, to take notice of the subtle signals a woman is giving you, and act accordingly.
you don't have your eyes wide open for these signals you may wind up in
a dead end conversation with a girl who has no interest in you past the
free drinks you've been feeding her…
Or even
worse … you may wind up walking away from a girl who is practically
jumping at the chance to follow you back to your place and tear your
clothes off.
So what are these subtle signals you
should be looking out for? What are other way how to tell if a girl
likes you? Check out these tips from TSB Mag:
- She is laughing at your jokes, even when they're not funny: If a girl is being the perfect audience, laughing on cue, egging you on to talk more, and has a big smiled plastered across her face the entire time you're talking it is a pretty clear indication that she's enjoying your company. When we laugh at someone we unconsciously are saying "I like you. And I'm listening to what you're saying." And if she is going out of her way to make sure that she's laughing … she is also going out of her way to encourage you to keep talking. Just be careful not to confuse true laughter with an "oh my god get me out of here" grin or a nervous giggle.
- She tells you to take a sip of her drink: This one is an almost 100% indicator that a woman was ready to be kissed. If you're at a bar talking to a woman, and she hands you her drink and says something like "Try my drink." Or if she encourages you in any way to take a sip of her drink, she is unconsciously telling you that she is comfortable with you on a more intimate level. This is a great "little known" how to tell if a girl likes you.
- She asks you if you have a girlfriend or pries for the information: When a woman is around a man that she is becoming attracted to, she will almost always try to find out if he has a girlfriend. Most women will flat out ask. If she doesn't flat out ask, she'll most likely ask questions that pry for the information like "Who do you live with?" Or if you just told a story about going on vacation or to a concert, she'll say "Who did you go with?" If a woman has no interest in you whatsoever, she very rarely will care whether or not you have a girlfriend.
- The Hi-Five Test: If you want to actively try to figure out if a woman is interested … here is a little test you can do that will help you gage the amount of interest a woman has. As you're talking to a woman, and she says something you like, give her a high five. The key is that as you slap her hand sort of grip her fingers for a split second. Her reaction to this indicates her comfort level around you. If she pulls her hand immediately away, or leaves her fingers limp, she probably still does not feel comfortable around you. On the other hand, if she hold her hand there for a second, grips your fingers back, or sort of lets her hand slide against yours … it's a pretty good indicator that you've developed a nice level of rapport with her.
- She calls you a player: Strange right? Most guys would assume that if a girl says "you're such a player" that she is probably not interested. But this is just one of those counter-intuitive things you figure out with enough time talking to women. If a woman calls you a player, two things have already been accomplished. The first is that she has become comfortable enough around you to say that sort of thing. And the second, is that she views you as the sort of guy who is used to talking to women. If a woman ever makes this sort of statement, simply view it as a "shit test" and go on with the conversation as usual. DO NOT defend yourself or try to prove to her that you aren't. In fact, the best response is to just smile and say "Is it that obvious?" and proceed with the conversation as if it was never said. There are various other "indicators of interest" that some dating gurus recommend looking out for such as body language, eye contact, and verbal cues.
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