ISIS states its justification for the enslavement of women
In a new publication, ISIS justifies its kidnapping of women as sex
slaves citing Islamic theology, an interpretation that is rejected by
the Muslim world at large as a perversion of Islam.
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"One should remember that
enslaving the families of the kuffar -- the infidels -- and taking
their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah,
or Islamic law," the group says in an online magazine published Sunday.
The title of the article sums up the ISIS point of view: "The revival (of) slavery before the Hour," referring to Judgment Day.
The fourth edition of the
group's English-language digital magazine called "Dabiq" said that
female members of the Yazidi sect, an ethnically Kurdish minority living
mostly in Iraq, may legitimately be captured and forcibly made
concubines or sexual slaves.

The rationalization for a
return to slavery -- repudiated around the world -- coincided with the
release of a Human Rights Watch report on crimes committed by ISIS
against the Yazidis in Iraq based on interviews with 76 displaced people
in Dohuk.
"The Islamic State's
litany of horrific crimes against the Yazidis in Iraq only keeps
growing," said Fred Abrahams, special adviser at Human Rights Watch. "We
heard shocking stories of forced religious conversions, forced
marriage, and even sexual assault and slavery -- and some of the victims
were children."
A 17-year-old kidnapped
girl named Adlee recounts how a large bearded man forced her into a home
in Falluja, where she was beaten and endured violent sexual advances
before escaping two days later, the Human Rights Watch report reads.
ISIS forced tens of
thousands of Yazidis to flee their homes in August when the extremists
stormed many of the community's towns and cities in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Displaced families and monitoring groups reported jihadists kidnapped
hundreds of Yazidi women and girls, and many were sold or given away to
militants as "spoils of war."
The terror group's
56-page propaganda publication also boasts of a "massacre against
(Kurdish) PKK soldiers" alongside graphic images of slain men dressed in
fatigues. On the next page, ISIS glorifies its "Services for Muslims"
with photographs of a care home for the elderly and a cancer treatment
center for children.
The issue, titled "The
Failed Crusade," includes an alleged copy of slain American journalist
Steven Sotloff's last letter to his mother and says the victim's Jewish
identity warranted his beheading by ISIS.
Another ISIS captive,
British journalist John Cantlie, allegedly pens the last section of the
magazine, saying he expects to be killed soon, and "unless something
changes very quickly and very radically, I await my turn."
Source:By Salma Abdelaziz,, Re-posted by Abdulgafar Abdulrauf Adio (
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