'If Tomorrow Never Comes': Inspiration behind Yvonne Nelson's new movie passes away
Pascal Amanfo shares the inspiration behind Yvonne Nelson's upcoming movie as child actor from movie dies.

Child actor and inspiration behind Yvonne Nelson's new movie production 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' is dead.
Ghanaian director, Pascal Amanfo, took to his Instagram page to pay tribute to the late kid and also reveal him as the inspiration behind the upcoming movie.
According to Pascal, the inspiration came from the late child who couldn't walk or talk.
the amazing and eye opening opportunity to film with this child in his
challenging condition...unable to talk or walk..cerebrally deformed and
yet with a glow that can pierce any heart...
mother blatantly refused to poison him as her family demanded and stuck
with her guts to give him a chance at life..i have known the treasure
of raising kids...the joy they bring and emptiness life can be without
them and so when i met this child through the @luckielawson foundation and initiative, i decided his story could and should be told...
"This forms the premise for a @ynproductionsghfilm...IfTomorrowNeverComes...
is therefore heartrending to note that Kwaku, this said child, 2 weeks
after shoot just passed away in an Accra hospital..he required no
greater honour than at least living to share a part of his story with
the world. GOD bless your hearts @luckielawson..@yvonnenelsongh...Kwaku lives on!!" - He shared.
May his soul rest in peace.
Source:Chidumga Izuzu: pulse.ng, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (www.econsforumnews.blogspot.com)
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