Queen Of Thieves: Female pick pocket banned from entering city shopping mall
A female pick pocket dubbed queen of thieves has been banned from
entering city shopping center after she was caught stealing several

Source :Isaac Dachen: pulse.ng, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (www.econsforumnews.blogspot.com)

A female thief
who has been dubbed 'Queen of Pickpockets', Margaret Johnson, with 77
previous convictions, has been banned from entering the Birmingham City
Center for five years, a venue where she carried out most of her
criminal activities, Daily Mail reports.
The 38-year-old 'professional' pick pocket has
now also been given a criminal behaviour order, which prevents her from
entering the city centre, or she risks going back to prison after she
was jailed for 43 weeks.
Johnson targeted four shoppers, including a 90-year-old pensioner, in a matter of minutes in January this year.
victims included a new mother whose handbag was lifted from her
toddler's pushchair and a customer at Clarks who suddenly realised her
bag was stolen while she tried on shoes.
has made a living out of sneakily stealing bags and purses from
distracted parents, the elderly and foreign students around the city.
Sergeant Ifty Ahmed, from Birmingham West and Central offender management team, said:
"CCTV linked Johnson to the offences and she was jailed for a total of 43 weeks earlier this year.
professional pickpocket had no regard for the victims she targeted or
the trauma she caused them by stealing their personal possessions.
movements were calculated and her actions deliberate. If she is caught
in the city centre over the next five years, she will be brought before
the courts and could be jailed."
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