Kim Kardashian: "Stop having too much sex" - doctors warn star
Specialists have warned the reality star that having sex 15 or more times a day won't get her pregnant!

Source::, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (

Looks like Kim Kardashian's
500-times-a-day sex routine to get pregnant is very dangerous to her
health after doctors warned her to stop having too much sex.
The 34-year-old revealed in the season 10 of their family reality show that she and husband, Kanye West have sex 15 times a day in an effort to give North West a sibling.
According to E! News, the mother-of-one admitted that specialists advised her to slow down.
obvious, Kim is confused as to why she hasn't conceived yet and has
decided to stop following the rules in a fresh attempt to get pregnant.
She also told the station: "I've
done everything so perfect to try and get pregnant. There's a list of
things you shouldn't be doing and I was perfect for eight to 10 months
and now I don't understand.”
Kim aslo claimed her new platinum hair is as a result of her pursuit for another baby: "I'm
going to do everything that I want to do and that includes going
platinum. Hopefully I will get pregnant doing all the wrong things. I'm
totally changing my tactics. I'm over it. I'm over trying, over-thinking
it, hence why I dyed my hair blonde.”
And Kim is particularly baffled why people who don't want children seem to conceive so easily.
"Literally teenagers on meth get pregnant in two seconds. It's crazy. When you don't want to be pregnant, it happens," she joked.

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