Deadly Deliverance Female pastor starves 2-yr-old boy to death in bid to cast out evil spirits
A female pastor in Texas has been arrested after she allegedly starved a
two-year-old child to death in a bid to cast out demons from him.

Source:Isaac Dachen:, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (

A female pastor, Araceli Meza, has been arrested on murder charges as well as causing serious injury to a child after allegedly starving a young boy to death in order to cast out demons from him, reports Texas Police.
Balch Springs Police arrested the 49-year-old Meza after a resurrection
ceremony she haled to bring back the boy to life proved abortive.
county sheriff's office reports that the police was tipped after the
boy's parents secretly took the boy’s dead body to their home country of
Mexico, for burial.
Witnesses told police that Meza and the boy's parents thought he had a demon inside him, and that fasting was a way to save him.
The child was not fed for about 25 days with only water given to him intermittently, which ultimately caused the infant's death.
Meza then held a resurrection ceremony which failed to revive the child.
the time police arrived at the boy’s home, the parents had already left
to Mexico. A witness said that the mother of the child was advised that
it was the will of God to starve the child.
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