Sepp Blatter: President wants more women on FIFA ExCo
FIFA president Sepp Blatter believes more must be done to appoint women onto the organisation's executive committee.

Source :Omni Sports:, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (

Sepp Blatter is disappointed that that no female members were voted onto FIFA's executive committee.
Blatter is seeking re-election for the role of FIFA president
later this year and is attempting to do more to promote equality within
the higher reaches of world football's governing body.
was hard work because the members of FIFA's executive committee are
elected by the national associations in their [continental] congresses
and there was never, never a proposal for a woman to be finally in FIFA," he said.
had to take the decision, and I did it in 2011 at the end of the
congress, I said we must have at least one woman on the executive
"In all the confederations, there is no woman... this macho sport, and that's a pity, we should change in the future."
Blatter has also called for Iran to end its ban on allowing women to watch football matches.
I travelled to Iran in November 2013, I was not only confronted with
huge popular enthusiasm from football but also a law forbidding women
from attending football matches," he wrote in FIFA's weekly magazine.
raised the topic at my meeting with the President of Iran Hassan
Rouhani, and came away with the impression that this intolerable
situation could change over the medium term.
nothing has happened. A collective 'stadium ban' still applies to women
in Iran, despite the existence of a thriving women's football
"This cannot continue. Hence, my appeal to the Iranian authorities; open the nation's football stadiums to women."
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