Lagbaja: Afrobeat singer attack Obasanjo in new video
In the visual Lagbaja takes a ‘no holds barred’ stance, making ridicule
of Obasanjos time in government, his failed third term bid, problems
with the Nigerian stock exchange, among other things.

Source:Joey Akan:, re-posted by Abdulgafar Esho (www,

Lagbaja is out with a new video which attacks former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo.
multi-award winning Nigerian Afrobeat musician, singer and song-
writer’s new visual is the third part of his series titled ‘200 Million
In the visual Lagbaja takes a ‘no holds
barred’ stance, making ridicule of Obasanjos time in government, his
failed third term bid, problems with the Nigerian stock exchange, among
other things.
Lagbaja is regarded as a conscious
musician, and this new material just drives home his ability to speak
for society, with wicked humor and satire.
He also blames Nigerian citizens for allowing the rot in the nation to fester. In his words,"Undoubtedly, we the people are to blame for our woes .
“leaders” have discovered that they can get away with anything…
ANYTHING! Because of our docile mumurity as uncritical and comatose
minions Because we never stand up to them and demand probity”
Check on the video below.
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