Obama's critics dismiss Yemen, Somalia airstrikes as model to fight ISIS

How 'successful' has U.S. been in Yemen?
When President Barack Obama said that U.S. strategy to combat the
terror group ISIS could follow the models of strikes in Yemen and
Somalia, it drew a swift rebuttal from some top Republicans.
Republican Sen. John
McCain of Arizona took to the Senate floor Thursday to say the
administration's tactics in both of those countries had not succeeded
and would be even less effective when used against ISIS.
"That is so disturbing,
to think that a strategy against ISIS would be the same as against al
Qaeda in Somalia and Yemen," said McCain. "Yes, we have been killing
with drones. But we have by no means defeated them," he said.
He was responding to Obama's speech Wednesday night:
"This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while
supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully
pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years."
Another Republican, Sen.
Marco Rubio of Florida, told CNN Thursday that not only had the
administration's strategy in Yemen and Somalia come up short, but also
that it was not the right template to apply to Syria.
"ISIL poses a risk very
different from the risk posed by terrorists in those two countries,"
Rubio told CNN, using an alternate acronym for the militant group. "ISIL
is a terrorist group, but it has insurgent elements to it. They are
working with people on the ground. They control territory. They've got
funding, and they carry out military-style operations. They pose a much
different risk."
But the White House
defended the comparison, saying that there have been some successes
against both groups, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen and
Al-Shabaab in Somalia.
"There is still more work
to do in those countries. But what has been put in place is a
counterterrorism strategy that has succeeded in degrading the threat,
and making those organizations less capable of threatening the American
people," said spokesman Josh Earnest.
"In both of those
situations, the President has selectively and strategically brought
American military might to bear in support of those ground troops to
mitigate and counter the threat."
Over the past few years,
the amount of territory that extremists control in Yemen and Somalia
has indeed been rolled back. And several terrorist leaders in both
countries have been killed by American strikes, including Al-Shabaab
leader Ahmed Godane, and AQAP's No. 2, Said Ali al-Shihri, and top
propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki.
But Thomas Joscelyn at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies maintains the fight against AQAP has been no success story.
"AQAP is still planning attacks against the U.S. homeland," Joscelyn said.
And the group's top leadership is still mainly intact, he said.
"Naser al-Wahishi, who
was groomed by Osama bin Laden to run an al Qaeda branch, has in fact
been the emir with that organization for years now. He is still in
place," he said. "Many of his top lieutenants are still in place,
including the chief theologians and the chief military officers."
Also still at large is
AQAP's master bomb-maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri. He is believed to be behind
the nearly successful printer-cartridge bombs placed on American-bound
planes in 2010, and the underwear bomb on a plane to Detroit in 2009.
"There's concern now he
may be sharing his bomb-making technology with jihadist groups in
Syria," said terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank.
Carrying out air strikes
against ISIS could be even more difficult than against AQAP and
Al-Shabaab, because while the governments of Somalia and Yemen have
complemented American airstrikes by deploying ground forces against
extremists, the U.S. has no such partner in Syria's government. And
according to Cruickshank, ISIS fighters are more inextricably mixed in
with civilian populations in Iraq and Syria.
But he added that military action against extremists can be successful, even if it does not produce total victory.
"The more you can shrink
the space they can operate, the more you can take out training camps so
they can't provide bomb-making instructions to Western recruits, you're
clearly then limiting their ability to plot terrorist attacks against
the West."
Still, he warned, "It's
going to be a long time before that capability to theoretically plot
attacks against the West is going to be wiped out."
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