Sex And Health 12 things GAY MEN and LESBIAN WOMEN must not ignore!
No matter your sexual orientation and relationship status, it is
imperative that you take your sexual health serious – for your sake and
his/hers. Yes, gay men and lesbian women may not be worried about
pregnancies…but the risks are real!

Source:Sam Wha'anda:, re-posted bu Abudlgafar Esho (

No matter your sexual orientation and relationship status, it is imperative that you take your sexual health serious – for your sake and his/hers.

or not you like it, the world is gradually accepting diverse sexual
orientations as normal and gay men and lesbian women are some of these

Today, Wha’anda wants a give a casual talk with those in that category.
Yes, gay men and lesbian women may not be worried about pregnancies…but STDs like HIV are real and should scare anyone.

So you need to take control of your health and make sex safer – be it him-and-her, him-and-him and her-and-her.
So if you’re into same sex thingy, these facts should prick you to caution:
The risk for contracting STDs is same between same sex couples and heterosexual partners
- Lesbian women can transmit STDs to each other through skin-to-skin contact
- Mouth to vagina oral sex can transfer STDs through mucosal contact, vaginal fluids, menstrual blood
- During menstruation, oral sex is very dangerous
- Shared sex toys put you at great risk so it is good to use a condom on sex toys or use separate one
- Dental dams and gloves can provide protection during oral sex and fingering
- Touching genitals (when lying on each other) can also transmit STDs
- For gay men, it’s also important for you and your partner to always use condoms and get tested regularly for STDs, including HIV.
- Chlamydia and syphilis have been on the rise among gay men. When used correctly and consistently, latex condoms are highly effective in preventing the transmission of HIV and many other STDs.
- According to, gay men and men who have sex with men might be at higher risk of depression and anxiety
- Gay men should consider Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), which is a way to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. done consistently can reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92%, especially if combined with condoms
- Gay men should note that frequent or vigorous anal sex could lead to anal incontinence - a condition which might lead an adult to wear a diaper. The risk is however low if anal sex is done normally.
- Anal sex may make a person more susceptible to bacterial infection around the anus and rectum because the lining of the rectum is not as thick as that of the vagina and is more susceptible to tears
- says a tear in the rectum lining can develop into a fissure and cause a condition called fistula, which may cause you to lose your ability to control your anal sphincters
Staying healthy is not just for you – do if you and the one you claim to love.
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