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Naij.com reader Suleiman Asuku explains that why a revolution and armed clashes are not the right way to ease tensions in Nigeria.
Naij.com reader Suleiman Asuku The reason we should not revolt and not use weapons against Nigeria, to info@naij.com.
A revolution is never just about people fighting against hunger, want and societal ills. A revolution is also about people fighting for power and authority to determine and re-make their own lives. The driving forces behind a revolution are not the ones that are in the parliament or the executive arm of government.
Take Egypt. In 2011, Hosni Muburak resigned as president. Consequently, the former minister under Mubarak, Ahmed Shafiq, and Mohammed Morsi, who is a member of Muslim Brotherhood, locked horns for presidential position in 2012. But none of the two candidates, or their parties, represented the spirit and idea of a revolution.
Not every revolution is destined to become triumphant. Triumphant revolutions are marked by the transfer of power. But more often than not, power changes hands from one set of the same class of oppressors to another.
The year 2011 marked the beginning of the Arab Spring. Dictators in Tunisia and Egypt were swept out of power within weeks of protests and strikes. The myth of Muammar Gaddafi‘s invincibility was shattered. First, his regime and then, his life were consumed. Wide-ranging reforms were forced in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to starve off the specter of revolution. Bahrain, Yemen and Syria were shaken to their foundation with simmering echoes of revolution after revolution that could have taken places in Algeria, Jordan and Morocco.
South Sudan is a pure example of why these deceptive groups should not be given any thin chance. Salva Kiir, of Dinka ethnicity (current President) and Riek Machar, of Nuer (current Vice President) have shown the world their perilous motive of waging war against the Sudanese government for over a decade. It was power struggle.
The ousting of Saddam Hussein of Iraq has cost the country her wealth, fortune and springing up of Islamic and clans militias. Iraq is now an anarchy state. Currently, and Syria militias are annihilating both the Christians and other non-Muslims. Egypt is another divided state. Coups and counter-coups are the order of the day.
You should remember what happened to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood. Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is yet to crush the country’s rebels. Humans and properties are being destroyed every day without any sufficient help from the Western powers who had instigated the uprising. Libya has been subject to ongoing proliferation of weapons, Islamist insurgencies, sectarian violence and lawlessness. Spillovers from all of these unrests are affecting neighbouring countries, including Mali, the Central African Republic, Yemen, Bahrain, etc are still swimming in internal turmoil.
I want to remind us, Nigerians, that there is no victory in these kinds of conflicts. Both sides always suffer in a “revolution”. Lives and properties are destroyed. It really is a matter of who loses more.
We, Nigerians, for some enemies of Nigeria to infiltrate and destroy our hard-earned wealth. Groups like MASSOB [the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra], BZM [Biafra Zionist Movement], MEND [Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta], OPC [Oodua Peoples Congress], and currently the dreaded should not be given the chance to achieve their perilous aims.
Naij.com reader Suleiman Asuku explains that why a revolution and armed clashes are not the right way to ease tensions in Nigeria.
Naij.com reader Suleiman Asuku The reason we should not revolt and not use weapons against Nigeria, to info@naij.com.
A revolution is never just about people fighting against hunger, want and societal ills. A revolution is also about people fighting for power and authority to determine and re-make their own lives. The driving forces behind a revolution are not the ones that are in the parliament or the executive arm of government.
Take Egypt. In 2011, Hosni Muburak resigned as president. Consequently, the former minister under Mubarak, Ahmed Shafiq, and Mohammed Morsi, who is a member of Muslim Brotherhood, locked horns for presidential position in 2012. But none of the two candidates, or their parties, represented the spirit and idea of a revolution.
Not every revolution is destined to become triumphant. Triumphant revolutions are marked by the transfer of power. But more often than not, power changes hands from one set of the same class of oppressors to another.
The year 2011 marked the beginning of the Arab Spring. Dictators in Tunisia and Egypt were swept out of power within weeks of protests and strikes. The myth of Muammar Gaddafi‘s invincibility was shattered. First, his regime and then, his life were consumed. Wide-ranging reforms were forced in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to starve off the specter of revolution. Bahrain, Yemen and Syria were shaken to their foundation with simmering echoes of revolution after revolution that could have taken places in Algeria, Jordan and Morocco.
South Sudan is a pure example of why these deceptive groups should not be given any thin chance. Salva Kiir, of Dinka ethnicity (current President) and Riek Machar, of Nuer (current Vice President) have shown the world their perilous motive of waging war against the Sudanese government for over a decade. It was power struggle.
The ousting of Saddam Hussein of Iraq has cost the country her wealth, fortune and springing up of Islamic and clans militias. Iraq is now an anarchy state. Currently, and Syria militias are annihilating both the Christians and other non-Muslims. Egypt is another divided state. Coups and counter-coups are the order of the day.
You should remember what happened to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood. Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is yet to crush the country’s rebels. Humans and properties are being destroyed every day without any sufficient help from the Western powers who had instigated the uprising. Libya has been subject to ongoing proliferation of weapons, Islamist insurgencies, sectarian violence and lawlessness. Spillovers from all of these unrests are affecting neighbouring countries, including Mali, the Central African Republic, Yemen, Bahrain, etc are still swimming in internal turmoil.
I want to remind us, Nigerians, that there is no victory in these kinds of conflicts. Both sides always suffer in a “revolution”. Lives and properties are destroyed. It really is a matter of who loses more.
We, Nigerians, for some enemies of Nigeria to infiltrate and destroy our hard-earned wealth. Groups like MASSOB [the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra], BZM [Biafra Zionist Movement], MEND [Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta], OPC [Oodua Peoples Congress], and currently the dreaded should not be given the chance to achieve their perilous aims.