Chibok Girls: Pst Tunde Bakare Defends Photo

07:27 Unknown 0 Comments

Pastor Tunde Bakare of Latter Rain Assembly and Convener of Save Nigeria Group (SNG) has come under criticism for his recent photo which surfaced online in which he was smiling wholeheartedly while holding a banner asking the Government to rescue the abducted girls.
The banner had the inscription, ‘Rescue Our Girls Now’, a campaign by the Women Arise movement, led by prominent Nigerian female activist, Joe Okei-Odumakin.
A lot of people were bothered why he had to smile over worrisome issue of terrorism in the photograph.
Pastor Tunde Bakare holding banner
Pastor Tunde Bakare holding banner
Speaking to Sahara Reporters on why he smiled, he said it is because he knows God is bigger than Boko Haram and the Federal Government of Nigeria as a whole.
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Backing up his reply with the scriptures, the Pastor said: “To the question why do the heathen rage and why do they imagine vain things, the Kings of the earth plot together against the Lord and against His anointed. God’s answer in Psalm 2 will shock you. It says he that the siteth in Heaven shall laugh, and that was my posture in the photo.
Pastor Bakare further stated that anywhere God cannot rule, he will over rule.
It’s been close to 5 months since and citizens and Civil Society organisations have not ceased calling on the Federal Government to rescue the girls and bring them back home.
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Apart from the few who managed to escape, majority of the girls are still being held captive by their abductors.
Though the government claims to know where the girls are being held by the captors, they have not been able to rescue any one because according  to them, they do not want to harm the girls in the process of rescuing them.
Meanwhile, the dead or alive.