10 movies you must see before the end of 2014
With 2014 fast coming to an end, check out ten movies you need to see before the end of the year.
From action to romance, from sci-fi to superhero,
2014 has indeed been a great movie year. Pulse.ng presents you with 10
2014 mind blowing movies to see before the year comes to an end.

In no particular order, here we go;
- Interstellar
Directed by Christopher Nolan, 'Interstellar' stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, amongst others, and revolves around a team sent out into the galaxy to find out if Earth has a future beyond the stars.
From action to romance, from sci-fi to
superhero, 2014 has indeed been a great movie year. Pulse.ng presents
you with 10 2014 mind blowing movies to see before the year comes to an
In no particular order, here we go;
- Interstellar
Directed by Christopher Nolan, 'Interstellar' stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, amongst others, and revolves around a team sent out into the galaxy to find out if Earth has a future beyond the stars.
- Captain America : Winter Solider
Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a
new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter
The Marvel's Superhero film stars Chris
Evans, Samuel L Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford, Anthony
Mackie, Sebastian Stan amongst others.
- Sin City : A Dame to Kill For
by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, 'Sin City : A Dame to Kill For'
stars Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and
- Equalizer
by Antoine Fuqua, 'Equalizer' tells the story of a who man believes he
has put his mysterious past behind him and has dedicated himself to
beginning a new, quiet life.
But when he meets a
young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he
can't stand idly by ; he has to help her.
'Equalizer' stars Denzel Washington, Chloe Grace and Marton Csokas.
- Sin City : A Dame to Kill For
by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, 'Sin City : A Dame to Kill For'
stars Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and
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