11 Foods That Will Increase Your Libido And Make You Sexually Powerful and Active

Natural healing is traditionally known for inexpensive and effective healing of our body slicing through the soul in some cases and food is natural, hence a current to tap into for our body fine tuning.
There are a number of foods that increase your libido naturally and make
sexual life blossom, although some foods can kill your sexual ability
1. Ginseng Tea
Taking too much coffee can stimulate the adrenal glands graciously which
leads to the flooding of hormones during. This has a negative impact on
our body.
Alternatively, we can take ginseng tea which contains ginsenoside. This
compound has enormous potential to increase the sexual ability ina human being.
2. Eggs
Eating eggs can lead to enormous amount of protein supply in the body.
They well loaded with calories which boosts your whole working ability.
Therefore, eggs can be good solution to your lower libido level.
3. Nuts
Nuts are fully loaded with nutrients like Zinc, Selenium and vitamin E. do not worry I will not bore you with these jargons.
Zinc has a great reputation for increasing the sexual desire for men and that is why doctors refer nuts as a sex stimulant.
Also they are very good sources of omega-3. The omega-3 is very much
capable of raising the dopamine levels in our brains which in turn
activates arousal. This not only helps to raise the sexual ability but
also the total energy level and memory sharpening features that it
4. Avocado
This is an African delicious fruit. Taking the avocado is known to
increase the level of your libido production. The fruit has a lot of
saturated fats which is very much important for a healthy heart.
Note that the persons with heart problems suffer from erectile
dysfunction twice more than the normal persons. So adding avocados in
your daily meal would be a wise decision for a healthy sexual life.
5. Figs
They are stuffed with Calcium, Potassium, Iron and zinc. It also
provides fibre which is greatly needed for healthy functioning of the
heart. Moreover, your hunger is hugely satisfied with this small package
of fruits that will keep your weight under controlled which in turn
gives a better result in having a longer sexual intercourse.
6. Broccoli
It has a high vitamin C content which aids in blood circulation to organs.
Broccoli has being associated with improved female libido.
Vegetarians are advice to add this to their meals if they have not.
7. Strawberries
The fruit has great ability to fertile the barren lands within the human
bodies. The strawberries can influence high sperm production in men’s
body thereby increasing potency
8. Watermelon
The watermelons are natural Viagra because watermelons have components
that nutrient like citrulline which has the Viagra type of effect on our
body by releasing nitric oxide. The nitric oxide loosens up the blood
vessels. The Viagra works in the same way in the case of erectile
9. Black Raspberries
Black raspberries have phytochemical-rich which increases the level of libido.
10. Cloves
Clove has been widely known as good healer to the erectile dysfunction. It also increases the level of sexual power.
11. Lettuce
The lettuce has immense capability of activating the sexual hormones.
Okay so now you know the foods that increase libido and sex power. Do
you know which foods and other factors kill your sex drive?
Source:http://kolawolesamuel.blogspot.com, re-posted by Abdulgafar esho (www.econsforumnews.blogspot.com)
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