Things to do to be loved by many.

09:13 Unknown 0 Comments

It is true that not everyone will love or like you no matter what you do or who you are, but the following steps can in many ways help dictate the way people look at you, making your personality to command respect even before you come close.
1. Always treat others how you want to be treated.
This means being kind to everybody. Do you like being insulted? Of course you don’t! So don’t insult others! When you’re put into a difficult situation, ask yourself "How would I feel if someone did this to me?" before doing or saying anything. If you treat others the way you want to be treated, they’ll treat you the same way, and they’ll respect you.
2. Help others.
This means talking to that shy new girl. Or hanging out with that lonely person. Or helping other people with their troubles. Give helpful advice to others and help them with homework or tasks that they need to accomplish. Don’t be self-centered, and always help that person in need. They will remember that, and as a result, they will love and appreciate you for being caring.
Sources: news, Wiki