Kuwait: Fear over freedoms as nationalities revoked

The detention of prominent opposition leader Musallam al-Barrak sparked days of protests
Kuwait's dynamic political scene and vocal opposition have
distinguished it from its Gulf neighbours, but recent years have been
fraught with unrest and power struggles within the ruling family,
resulting in growing dissatisfaction among Kuwaitis and calls for
'Threat to state'
A cabinet statement said that the decision to strip the
nationality of Ahmed Jabr al-Shemmeri, a naturalised Kuwaiti and owner
of Al-Yawm satellite channel and Al-Alam Al Yawm newspaper, was based on
an article in the nationality law relating to those who pose a threat
to the state.
The government gave the reason for former MP Abdallah
al-Barghash and his three siblings having their citizenships withdrawn
as being that they had been obtained on the basis of false information.
Mr Shemmeri's TV station and newspaper also had their
licences revoked and were ordered to shut down, with the Information
Ministry citing the reason as "losing some of the terms and conditions
for obtaining a licence".
The Al-Alam al-Yawm newspaper was suspended twice earlier
this year for breaching a media blackout ordered by the country's
attorney-general to avoid discussion of a video allegedly showing a plot
to overthrow the Emir.
Recent months have witnessed a resurgence of the opposition's
activities. While some are sceptical that this poses a greater threat
to the country's leadership, what is clear is that long-standing
tensions have come to a head in this most recent period of unrest.

Earlier this month, prominent opposition leader Musallam
al-Barrak was detained for 10 days pending a court case brought against
him for allegedly insulting the judiciary and slandering its head,
Faisal al-Marshed.
In June, Mr Barrak accused Mr Marshed along with some senior
former officials of bribery and corruption involving billions of
dollars, in a characteristically dramatic speech to thousands of
Kuwaitis gathered at the capital's Irada Square.
The prime minister was swift to dismiss the allegations,
saying that the documents presented by the leader did not warrant
But Mr Barrak's speech had reignited the support of many by
tapping into a widely held grievance regarding the perceived misuse of
public funds by Kuwait's political elite.
Stifling of dissent
The order for Musallam al-Barrak's detention sparked days of
protests, bringing at their height thousands of Kuwaitis onto the
streets to call for his release.
During the subsequent crackdown on the demonstrations images
were shared widely on social media by activists and protesters allegedly
showing the Special Forces using tear gas and rubber bullets against
The Interior Ministry released a statement denying the use of
tear gas and rubber bullets, saying that only stun grenades had been
used to disperse the protesters, having previously warned that it would
"respond firmly to those conducting illegal and uncivilised acts".
Other Gulf states have in the past revoked citizenship as punishment for political activity deemed a threat to state security.
In 2012, the UAE stripped the nationalities of six Islamists
calling for reform. But the recent decision of the Kuwaiti government is
viewed by many as part of a systematic stifling of the opposition.

Bandar al-Khairan, the secretary-general of the opposition
Kuwait Democratic Forum, said the threat of revoking nationality would
not prevent the forum from continuing its activities. He told the BBC:
"We're not afraid because we didn't commit any crimes. We will continue
to demand our rights and call for reform."
Human rights defender Nawaf al-Hendal expressed concerns that
the recent decision is part of a long-term move by the government
towards imposing greater restrictions on freedoms in the country.
"It's true that Kuwaitis previously had more freedom than
other Gulf countries, but in recent years the government has been
implementing harsher measures on dissent and freedom of expression", he
told the BBC.
He said that following protests in 2012, the number of
Twitter users arrested for posting tweets deemed offensive to the Emir
increased dramatically, in what he believed was a sign of growing
intolerance of politically sensitive debate.
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