30 More Women Escape From Sambisa Forest

07:21 Unknown 0 Comments

Fresh reports say another 30 women have escaped from Boko Haram hideout Sambisa forest.
Photo: Escapees. Credits: Reuters
Sahara Reporters exclusively provides the information about the latest escape with reference to top military officer, who pleaded anonymity.
According to him, the escaped victims were mostly from Borno State and had been kidnapped in separate attacks on the communities. The source added however that he was unauthorized to give the details about whether Chibok girls abducted almost 3 months ago by the deadly sect members were among the runaways.
Sahara Reporters military source described the women as distressed, disoriented and famished, however relieved to have managed to regain freedom. The victims were said to have been rushed to the hospital for medical check-up. They also narrated their ordeal and claimed that some of then had to leave their children in the hands of the captors. 
"They have talked about how some of them who were trying to escape were killed and some forced back when armed Boko Haram militants discovered them escaping."
Madagali LGA chairman James Watarda confirmed the information.
Meanwhile in a yesterday’s interview with BBC World Service Radio the man who identified himself as a "spiritual leader inside Boko Haram" .