Moji Olaiya Declares Islam As A Religion Of Peace

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Self acclaimed evangelist, preacher of God’s word and actress, Moji Olaiya has told newsmen that Islam is a religion of peace.
The actress revealed real reasons why he ‘ported’ from Christianity to being a Muslim even when she was believed to be strongly rooted in Christendom. Moji revealed that her decision to change was never any influence from any man declaring that Islam is a religion of peace with less protocols unlike Christianity that you need a pastor to get close to God.

According to her, as a Muslim, you can always pray on your own and Almighty Allah will answer your prayer without any mediator. " I have been doing that since I became a Muslim and it has always worked for me. " she said told newsmen. Making her Muslim background known, the evangelist-turned-Muslim sees no reason why she can not go back to the religion she was born into as a baby.