55-Year-Old Paedophile Spotted With Underage Children Arrested In Cambodia

A 55-year-old pedophile was arrested after he was spotted with an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia.
The picture of Welshman Michael Jones, from the UK, shows the moment
that he is holding the hand of an underage girl in the country’s capital
Phnom Penh. On other photos he is surrounded by half-dressed eight and
nine-year-olds, and with a small child sitting on his lap.
According to the police, an 11-year-old girl said she was paid £3 for sex in a room rented by a man.
Jones has been arrested after charity Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE)
took pictures of Jones following a tip-off about alleged activity with
underage girls in Cambodia.
It is believed they were 12 or 13 while the country’s age of consent is 15.

Reportedly, Jones then took the girls shopping, bought them gifts and gave them money before taking them back to their houses.
He left Cambodia in mid-April before returning on June 9 when APLE
started to monitor him again when he is alleged to have taken an
underage girl to a rented room.
The charity spokesman claimed Jones was seen promising to pay the rent for one family.
Four of six girls who were questioned claimed they had been abused by Jones.
On June 27, 2014, Michael Jones was officially charged by Phnom
Penh’s court prosecutor. He has been charged with carrying out indecent
acts against minors and paying for child prostitution. If found guilty
he faces eight years in jail.
One of his alleged victims was put into secure accommodation while the other three were returned to their families.

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