Verdict doesn't end debate in Trayvon Martin death

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Verdict doesn't end debate in Trayvon Martin death

By Abdulgafar Abdulrauf Adio from htt://
July 15, 2013 -- Updated 1648 GMT (0048 HKT)
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Trayvon Martin supporters take to the streets

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(CNN) -- They took to the streets, to radio call-in shows, to social media to vent their frustration. George Zimmerman not guilty? It can't be, they said.
"Only white life is protected in America," one protester in Washington shouted Sunday, a day after a Florida jury found the Hispanic former neighborhood watch volunteer not guilty in the 2012 death of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin.
But, as with all things surrounding the divisive case, not everyone shared the view that Martin was the victim, that the verdict was wrong.
While few, if any, Zimmerman supporters held rallies celebrating the verdict, on the "George Zimmerman is Innocent" Facebook page, fans were hawking T-shirts and stickers hailing Zimmerman and posting messages of encouragement.
Photos: Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Photos: Reaction to Zimmerman verdict
Reaction to Zimmerman's acquittal
George Zimmerman found not guilty
"Thank God the jury got it right and found George not guilty," Facebook user Pete Habel posted Monday on the page.